This is a creative space I've dedicated to share my love for all things ink and paper.

The Luli Lou blog is named after my late maternal grandparents, Luli and Lourdes.

I'm Joey, the girl behind it.

I post on Tuesdays and occasionally on Fridays since 10/01/2021 ♥︎

5 Reasons Why I Love Planning Every Day


Here's the plain truth: planners are for everyone who want to be on top of things

There seems to be an impression that planners fit a very specific group of people (aka productive people who have their life together). And I understand that this thinking might stem from study YouTubers or "that girl" influencers who often post this type of content.

But let's get real, how would planners serve its purpose if you already have it all figured out? Planners are supposed to fill in a gap, and not just be there, sleeping. 

Obviously I can only speak for myself on how I've benefitted from keeping a bullet journal planner. So ladies and gents, I present to you 5 of the many reasons I love about daily planning in the hopes of encouraging you to get one too. 

Let's begin. ♥︎


1. I get to schedule my time better.

Knowing when I have tons of free time or when I'm fully loaded allows me to avoid overcommitting and having to change plans all the time.

To me, seeing my week and day in overview makes me feel like I have control over my days, knowing where I can move around stuff to make way for more urgent or more important ones. 

Even Dr. Barbara Markway of Psychology Today encourages getting a daily planner as it is proven to help time management⏤"So that you know what to expect and don't run out of time" (Markway, 2018). 


2. Planning helps me work smart.

A list allows me to use my time efficiently, making me work smart by getting around priorities and working ahead on future task when I have extra time, instead of waiting idly by for tasks to catch on.

In other words, a list (though it can look messy at first) helps me identify which activities I need to get to first so I can plan my day in a way that makes sense. 

A bunch of tasks then listed in order of priority helps me focus on one thing at a time, instead of multitasking my way through life whenever a new reminder pops up my brain or on my screen. And multitasking has never been a friend to many, as it has been perfectly described by Haley Goldberg from The Shine App, "I'm taking it all in, but not really much done." (Source)

3. Planning lowers my stress levels.

I can panic easily, so I try to combat that by the bujo, or simply planning. 

According to a survey conducted by psychologist and self-help author Robert Epstein, 25% of our happiness is dependent on how much we are able to manage stress. 

And from the same survey, it was found that the most effective stress management technique was planning.

So essentially, I'm facing everyday battles, armed and ready and happy. 

4. To-do lists have helped me be more productive. 

Oh the intoxicating feeling of ticking off items on a checklist! I thought it was only the satisfaction that was addictive, but according to an article by Forbes called "The Psychology of the To-Do List," there is really scientific backing why to-do lists (which I do on my bujo) makes one more productive, as it reduced burden on the brain. 

The Zeigarnik effect, named after psychologist Dr. Bluma Zeigarnik, is a phenomenon that describes the tendency for people to remember incomplete or interrupted tasks better than completed ones. This is especially helpful for people who are prone to procrastinating (like me! 😅)

According to studies, the Zeigarnik effect, when used mindfully, can promote long-term mental well-being by motivating a person to complete tasks and develop better habits. 


5. Planning helps me be on top of things. 

Another issue I was struggling with before was my forgetfulness. Though I still struggle with things slipping my mind so quickly, but I notice that it has happened lesser now that I try to put everything on paper.

If you're working, studying, or toiling on a project, having a plan that can be seen and progresses that are recorded can really save your butt in more ways than one.

As Isabel Allende said, "Write what should not be forgotten." 

So in conclusion, here's my two cents: After years of keeping a bujo/planner, I say, no, planners aren't exclusive for already-productive people; but rather, planners are for people who want to be productive and on top of things. And as a lazy person, I can say I'm getting all the help I need to stay in tip top shape work-wise while staying mentally fine, and that's where planners come in.  

I hope you give planning a try, and I hope you get to love it as much as I do! ♥︎

🏷 Cover photo: Kasturi Roy

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